Disability Data Report 2023
Study design, analysis, and writing
Jill Hanass-Hancock
Sophie Mitra
GVS Murthy
Michael Palmer
Monica Pinilla-Roncancio
Minerva Rivas Velarde
Team Leader
Sophie Mitra
Bradley Carpenter
Amanda Dial
Sureshkumar Kamalakannan
Douglas Teodoro
Shailaja Tetali
Katherine Theiss
Report And Website Design
Dina Becaj
Research Assistance
Priyanka Agarwal
Jim Billingham
Gustavo Cedeno Ocampo
Racha Gouareb
Ayanda Nzuza
Nicolás Rodríguez Caicedo
David Vicente Alvarez
Steering Committee
Ola Abualghaib
Aude Brus
Tsitsi Chataika
Nora Groce
Jill Hanass-Hancok
Jody Heymann
Pamela Kakande
Erik Kinnhammar
Mitchell Loeb
Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo
Maria Martinho
Margaret Mbogoni
Daniel Mont
Monica Pinilla-Roncancio
Diana Samarasan
Esteban Tromel
This study received funding from the Wellspring Philanthropic Fund. Analyses presented in the report reflect the views of the report’s editors and not necessarily those of its contributors and of the steering committee. Comments on drafts from the steering committee are greatly appreciated.
Suggested Citations
Hanass-Hancock, J., Murthy GVS., Palmer, P., Pinilla-Roncancio M., Rivas Velarde M., Mitra, S. (2023). The Disability Data Report. Disability Data Initiative. Fordham Research Consortium on Disability: New York.
Fordham University
Dealy E524, 441 East Fordham Road, Bronx, NY 10458, USA
rcd@fordham.edu | http://www.ace.disabilitydata.fordham.edu
The Disability Data Report © 2023 by Sophie Mitra is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Acronyms Table
Abbreviation | Meaning |
ADL | Activity of Daily Living |
CRPD | Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities |
DHS | Demographic and Health Survey |
ESS | Ethiopia Socioeconomic Survey |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization |
GNI | Gross National Income |
HDI | Human Development Index |
HFPS | High Frequency Phone Survey |
HFPS-HH | High Frequency Phone Survey Household (Ethiopia) |
HIC | High-Income Country |
HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
HH | Household |
IADL | Instrumental Activity of Daily Living |
ICT | Information and Communication Technology |
LMIC | Low- and Middle-Income Country |
LSMS | Living Standard Measurement Study |
MICS | Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey |
MICS6 | Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey round 6 |
NA | Not available |
NS | Not statistically significant |
OPDs | Organizations of Persons with Disabilities |
Rep. | Republic |
SD | Standard Deviation |
SDG | Sustainable Development Goals |
SILC | Survey of Income and Living Conditions |
UNICEF | United Nations Children’s Fund |
WG-SS | Washington Group Short Set of Questions |